Thursday, December 18, 2014

10 Things Make Your Wedding Day Awkward

Now it is finally coming toward your big wedding day. The wedding dress is chosen, the wedding venue is decorated, the wedding wine is ordered, the wedding planner is having a break...what else might go wrong? Yes, with all these detailed planning, things can still go wrong. Here we've listed 10 things that will make it really awkward on your wedding day. Check through them and let us make your wedding day really smooth and full of sweet memory.

1.  Heels stepped into the grass
I am sure you've prepared one of the thinnest, most delicate, and sexy pair of heels for your wedding. But it is very possible that your heels will make it almost impossible to move elegantly cross the equally delicate wedding venue - grass, beach, pebbles. The wedding photographer will not be able to capture graceful and natural moments of yours because of these wedding shoes. So do be careful! One possible solution is to get heel protectors like this. Of course, only get those if your wedding gowns are long enough to cover your heels. Otherwise you will indeed look awkward with your wedding shoes on a piece of plastic! 

2. Muddy venue that trashes your dress
If your wedding dress is those kind with huge long tail, and you are going to walk through some exposed ground...think twice. White or ivory color wedding dresses can go dirty really fast on exposed grounds. Also if it rains, things will be 500% worse. Update your wedding plan. Long wedding gowns look best on grasses or indoor aisles.

3. Force guests to talk to people they don't know
You must have invited all the important people in your life to be the honored guests of your wedding party. But bear in mind that they may not know one another. It would be extremely awkward if one of them are assigned to sit with complete strangers and need to "bear" with that throughout the whole wedding ceremony. They most likely would know quite a number of your other guests, but definitely not all of them. You can either let them pick their own that they will naturally aggregate into groups that they are comfortable with. Or if you really want to assign the seats, make sure to do it according to their natural social circles and don't leave anyone alone.

4. Forget to enjoy each other
The number one thing to celebrate in your wedding party is the love between two of you. Some couples are so nervous about the food, the wine, the arrangement, that they forget to enjoy each other. People say that the wedding parties that the guests would enjoy the most are the ones where the couples are just enjoying each others' presence.Your love will strengthen their faith in love and bring back great memories of their own. No matter what happens, rain or shine, just enjoy each other and celebrate your love.

5. A bad MC
A MC can make or break your wedding reception. Some weddings would have MCs to talk through the process. It is not natural at all to hire some MC that don't know you at all. They may be "professional" MCs but they can totally say or do things so awkward that the whole wedding party feel is destroyed. One tip is to get the MC from the wedding venue itself so that at least they are very familiar with the venue. Also those MCs will not be so talkative and will mainly serve as a person who will smooth-en the process. Otherwise get a friend of yours to "volunteer“ as the MC. It is much cheaper and also your friend would know best how to use anecdotes and harmless teases to entertain all the guests.

6. Food with no distinction 
This world is full of diversity. You may or may not know that some of your guests are actually vegetarian, vegan, diary-allergic or gluten-allergic. They will feel extremely alone if they cannot eat anything because those dietary restrictions were not taken care of. In your wedding invitations, make sure to collect your guests' dietary restrictions so one will go back home hungry from your wedding party.  

7. Ignored a certain group of guests
Is it a must to say Hi to every single guest in your wedding party? Probably not. But don't make any group feel that they are "ignored". While you are enjoying one another, roam around naturally and say Hi to each group. If you greet them by groups it is not that hard to reach every one. Have a checklist somewhere in your pocket or smartphone.  

8. Just coping with photographers
We all love photos. Wedding photos are extremely important to keep the memory. You've also got all the beautiful wedding dress, cocktail dress, lace veils, bride hairpieces to look pretty on this day. But remember the best wedding photos are the natural moments of yourself. Some wedding photographers like to "arrange posts" for you and some brides would just be busily coping with those "requests" throughout the wedding. That would make all the other guests feel extremely awkward and you will not have the chance to focus on the more important things such as celebrating with your guests. Book a separate session with the photographer to just capture the beauty of yourself and the wedding dress. But when you are on the wedding party, just be natural and enjoy yourself. 

9. Lost track of important things like ring
There are many details on your wedding party to take care. The wedding venue, the cumbersome wedding dress, the nails, the hair, the mother-in-law...Don't lose track of super important things like the ring, the wedding bands, your phone, your speech script. The only way to avoid this is to be organized. Keep a clear mind and know where to get things. Get a clear plastic organizer like this so that you can see clearly where things are. Also don't bear all the responsibility on your own shoulder. Assign tasks to your bride-maids and your husband so that the important details will not be forgotten.

10. Too nervous
After all, it is YOUR wedding party! You can pick whatever wedding dress you want and look however you want. Just be confident and natural. Some brides get too nervous the previous night and cannot be their best selves on the actual big day. If you didn't have enough sleep the previous night or got all nervous in your party, the wedding photos wouldn't be as nice and your guests can tell.  So forget about many rules and..have fun!


1 comment:

  1. How useful wedding day tips you have shared. My sister is getting married. I will definitely tell her all these important wedding tips. You know she has hired one of the finest San Diego Wedding venues for her wedding reception party.
